Apparently this is visible all the way across the map. He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power…which, eventually of course, he did. The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis "The Wise" is a copypasta originating from Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. when they’ve already heard “The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise” from PrequelMemes. And I think it's one of the longest dialogue scenes in the whole of the saga.". But like no Sith Lord ever, he possesses the ultimate power&;over life and death. Of course, people don’t always leave out Darth Plagueis when they use this meme. Ad un certo punto, tuttavia, scelse quest'ultimo, uno studente dotato, come apprendista e lo ribattezzò Darth Sidious.Plagueis avrebbe passato tutta la sua vita a cercare il potere sulla morte. He could save others from the police…but not himself.. . Darth Plagueis is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. Darth Plagueis-core. One of the reasons that people seem drawn to this meme is that the line sounds funny when quoted on its own. Darth Plagueis Meme Dopl3r Com Memes Did You Know Darth Plagueis Died Of. [James] Luceno takes Darth Plagueis down the dark path and never looks back.”—Newsday Darth Plagueis: Like all Sith Lords before him, he craves absolute power. Best Meme Menu. Palpatine finds the legend ironic, because while Darth Plaguies could save others from death, he could not save himself. [4] He said, "Of all of the deliciously evil scenes--and there are many--the one that stands out for me is in Revenge of the Sith. Do you have caps locks on? Here is a more involved interpretation employing some large-scale collapsible dominos. Get the latest funniest memes and keep up what is going on in the meme-o-sphere. He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his loyalty…which, eventually of course, he didn't. In this meme, the caption reads did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise from dankmemes. It’s also common to see the meme quoted with the name intact. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Repeat After Me: I Am Not Smarter Than Joe Biden, The Most Evil Scene In Star Wars, According To Ian McDiarmid, MFW they played the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis at Star Wars Celebration, For those who watched Ian McDiarmed at Star Wars celebration, Watching Ian McDiarmid watch the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise, Gamestop Suddenly Becomes Hottest Stock On Wall Street Thanks To Some Reddit Magic, Rage Guy Is FFFFFUUUU'in Angry After All These Years. Samuel L Jackson is even lampooned a little bit in this screenshot from the prequel memes community. Darth Plagueis or The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise is a meme based on a speech from the movie Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith (2005). . George [Lucas] will remember that he wrote that scene originally in another office [set]… and then he said, 'No, I think we should go somewhere else for a change.' People use this meme in a variety of ways. Fastest and easy online meme generator, create meme, 100000+ templates, you can upload your own foto / picture. Suddenly, Star Wars’ Chancellor Palpatine has conquered the entire meme landscape He IS the Senate. Then his friend called the police while he was sleeping. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was the bigger gooberfish… Which of course he swam away from. Did yousa ever be hearin the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? He became so high, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his blunt…which, eventually of course, he did. A Sith lord with the ability to manipulate life and death, Plagueis is the mentor and murder victim of Palpatine (Darth Sidious). Meesa thinkin not. Darth Plagueis the real nigga Prequel Memes Droid On Twitter They Re Even Better Than. from PrequelMemes. Added With the demo out and release date confirmed for RE Village, all anyone can seem to talk about is the mysterious Tall Vampire Lady, so here's a quick batch of memes to recap the trend. Anakin, minacciato da sogni premonitori, teme di perdere colei che ama: la giovane Padme. Insanely fast, mobile-friendly meme generator. Several years before Hego Damask's birth, his father, a Force-sensitive Muun named Caar Damask, who worked as a middle ranking Banking Clan agent, met renowned starship designer Rugess Nome by chance on High Port Space Center. Have you ever heard the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise? If you prefer reading a text message exchange instead of seeing an image post, this one is for you. With Rage Comics making a quasi comeback, it's time to take a look back at one of the OGs: Rage Guy. The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise but with DOOM music from Doom. The caption reads “the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”. When your friend starts telling you the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise. In Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Chancellor Palpatine, secretly Darth Sidious, tells Anakin Skywalker a legend to to lure him further to the dark side of the force, as Anakin was having visions of his wife, Padmé Amidala, dying in childbirth. Star Wars è un libro di James Luceno pubblicato da Multiplayer Edizioni nella collana Star wars: acquista su IBS a 16.06€! For example, if someone on YouTube embarrassed themselves in a video, people might use the meme to mock their misfortune. Check out our social profiles for a daily stream of meme hilarity. Try it again. On January 17th, 2017 Youtuber Cal Haney uploaded a song version of the copypasta on his channel.[8]. Here are some animated ponies having an amusing conversation about the meme. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. Best Of 2017: The 10 Greatest Darth Plagueis Prequel Memes - Funny memes that "GET IT" and want you to too. Darth Plagueis fu un Signore Oscuro dei Sith che, ad un certo punto, scelse Sheev Palpatine, un umano di Naboo, come suo apprendista.Plagueis e Palpatine, che prese il nome Sith di Darth Sidious, collaborarono nel tentativo di scoprire i segreti dell'immortalità e per portare a termine il piano del proprio ordine di soppiantare la Repubblica Galattica con un nuovo Impero Sith. It's a Sith Legend. At long last, the Star Wars story of the mysterious Sith Lord Darth Plagueis and his apprentice, Darth Sidious, is revealed! NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER “The best Star Wars publication to date . Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice absolutely nothing, and his apprentice appointed him a senator of Naboo. Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? It's a Storm Trooper legend. Apparently this is visible all the way across the map. Darth Jar Jar was a Dark Lord of the Sith so clumsy and so stupid, he could use the force to influence the midichlorians to create… Poodoo. Did you ever hear the Tragedy of TR-8R the Loyal? Fastest and easy online meme generator, create meme, 100000+ templates, you can upload your own foto / picture. Darth Plagueis. When you meet a girl and the first thing she asks you is if you’ve heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise from PrequelMemes, Apparently people that get the prequel meme references are in demand. We are internet marketers who love memes. Insanely fast, mobile-friendly meme generator. Ironic. Bussy, The Long-lasting Slang Term For The Butt, Boomer 'Living In 1984' Comic Becomes Easy Target For Exploitables, Four Months Later, They Still Can't Believe He Didn't Cry During Titanic, JustinRPG And His Love Of Reshiram Makes For A Fascinating Internet Rabbit Hole, Bundled Up Bernie Sanders Steals Inauguration Memes With Practical Style, Mommy Vlogger Stirs Up Controversy With Cribs Are "Baby Jail Cells" Video, Steve Rambo Returns To The Meme World With 'Throw Me Some Numbers' Scene, Joe Biden's Inauguration Ceremony Spawns Wave Of Memes As The 46th President Is Sworn Into Office, TikTok Users Do The Worm And Other Things Now That Time Warp Waterfall Is A Thing, President Trump Leaves Office To The Village People's 'Y.M.C.A.' Since this meme is an extremely popular one, you can find people using it in all sorts of different ways. Here is yet another prequel meme when somebody cradling a canister that is labeled Order 66. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The “prequel memes” community on Reddit is very active, and characters and lines from these films still appear in memes all the time. [5], Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Lit? In this version, there is a picture of a Life as a House DVD with the Redditor posting that it looks like the 60 Second preview never heard of the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise. Darth Plagueis era un Muun, della stirpe Sith di Darth Bane, che regnò come Signore Oscuro attorno al 60 BBY. Darth Plagueis was a male Dark Lord of the Sith who, at some point, chose Sheev Palpatine, a human from Naboo, as his apprentice. Find the newest Darth Plagueis The Wise meme. So we went to a theater and the reason I liked that so much is because I'm a theater actor too, but more than that Hayden and I could really sit down and from my point of view anyway, have an evil chat. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER “The best Star Wars publication to date . Have you heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? When someone kidding about the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise from PrequelMemes. Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance. It’s a Sith legend. Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Jar Jar the Clumsy? Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise? [7] The thread "For those who watched Ian McDiarmed at Star Wars celebration"[6] received more than 900 points (99% upvoted), and the thread MFW they played the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis at Star Wars Celebration received more than 800 points (100% upvoted). One of the more popular memes comes from the third prequel film, “Revenge of the Sith.” The meme revolves around a line from the films about a character known as Darth Plagueis (Source). Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Γ Count Thygen Γ. Detailing Palpatine's apprentice-ship, and revealing more about his Master, Darth Plagueis that he told Anakin about, the novel veers into new territory for the Star Wars series. On April 13th, 2017, Ian McDiarmid participated in the "40 Years of Star Wars Panel" at the Star Wars Celebration event in Orlando, Fl. TR-8R was a Loyal Stormtrooper of the First Order, so powerful and so loyal, he could use the Z-9 Stun Baton to influence other Stormtroopers to stay… loyal. The 21+ Best Tragedy of Darth Plagueis “The Wise” Memes, The 22 Best Tragedy of Darth Plagueis “The Wise” Memes, 3 The 22 Best Tragedy of Darth Plagueis “The Wise” Memes. He had such a knowledge of the Lit Side, he could even keep the ones he cared about…from being caught by the police. Here we have a jokester propositioning his thumb as a nose in front of a statue that has part of its face chiseled off in the museum. Did yousa ever be hearin the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? And that's when we all get to go to the opera. . . CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. It's a Stoner legend. In this post, we collected 22 Best Tragedy of Darth Plagueis “The Wise” Memes. All’epoca dell’Alleanza Galattica, non si sapeva nulla delle sue origini, e tantomeno di come avesse iniziato ad addestrare Palpatine. [2] It is often referenced on r/PrequelMemes[3] where it also appears in the sidebar. At long last, the Star Wars story of the mysterious Sith Lord Darth Plagueis and his apprentice, Darth Sidious, is revealed! Have you ever heard the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise? Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. He had such a knowledge of the Meme Side, he could even keep the memes he cared about…from dying. Viene menzionato da Palpatine ne La vendetta dei Sith nel suo tentativo di attirare Anakin Skywalker al lato oscuro, definendolo un Sith talmente potente che era in grado di influenzare direttamente i midi-chlorian e con il potere di eludere perfino la morte. The legend is about a Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Plaguies The Wise, who could influence midichlorions to prevent people from dying. Then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. When you meet a girl and the first thing she asks you is if you’ve heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise, For all the Forza horizon 4 players I put the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise on a car, Looks like 60 second preview never heard of the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise. . [1] On May 14th 2016 it was posted on the Facebook site "Best of Star Wars Memes", which has, as of January 2017, over 850.000 likes. [James] Luceno takes Darth Plagueis down the dark path and never looks back.”—Newsday Darth Plagueis: Like all Sith Lords before him, he craves absolute power. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice, everything he knew. The character is first mentioned in the 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, in which Palpatine frames his life as a "legend" to lure Anakin Skywalker to the dark side of the Force. Here is another prequel meme with top predator commenting that it is ironic that he could save others from repost but not himself. Darth Plagueis era un Signore Oscuro dei Sith, così potente e così sapiente da poter usare la Forza per indurre i midi-chlorian a creare la vita. It has gained popularity online as a meme among Star Wars fans. The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise from starwarsmemes, In this one, someone submitted this purple cartoon to the Star Wars memes computer date with a rough-looking father telling a crying child that “if you want to cry, I’ll give you something to cry about.”, Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? In one on the right, a Star Wars figure is reaching through the panel to grip the neck of an anime character. No thanks, take me back to the meme zone! On March 7th, the copypasta was uploaded to Reddit under the subreddit r/copypasta. Darth Plagueis Meme, Best Meme, Darth Plagueis Meme. Here we see the Elder Star Wars commenting “ironic” that a skip ads tool contains ads. The tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise Someone got especially creative here and put the verbatim text on there video game car. Darth Plagueis, by James Luceno, is one that has the potential to do just that. Y F. The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis "The Wise" is a copypasta originating from Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. For example, rather than saying “Have you heard of,” Palpatine says “Did you ever hear the tragedy of.” The sentence structure gives the phrase some natural humor. . from TechNope. Meesa thinkin not. The 20+ Best ‘Those Are Rookie Numbers’ Memes | Meaning & Backstory, The 35+ Best Hannibal Wack Memes [Surreal Humor], The 37+ Best Dead by Daylight Memes [Funny], The 23+ Best SCP Foundation Memes [Funny], The 23 Best Cyka Blyat Memes | Plus Meaning & Backstory, The 30+ Best Zodiac Astrology Memes [Funny]. Darth Plagueis è un signore oscuro dei Sith, maestro di Darth Sidious ucciso nel sonno dal suo allievo. Darth Plagueis The Wise Memes Gifs Imgflip. He plays on Anakin’s fears that his wife, Padme, will die in childbirth. He could save other memes from death…but not himself. Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Dat Boi the Wise? from PrequelMemes. He could save others from treachery…but not himself. Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise? Aveva tale conoscenza del Lato Oscuro che riusciva a impedire a coloro che amava di morire” — Supremo Cancelliere Palpatine, Star Wars: Episodio III La Vendetta dei Sith It’s a funny reaction meme in employing an anime owl. Create your own images with the darth plagueis meme generator. . Know Your Meme is an advertising supported site and we noticed that you're using an ad-blocking solution. (which I do not recommend playing) forgot to put a cap on name length, meaning that you can make your name as long as the entire tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise. Although the Star Wars prequel films earned a mixed reception from fans and critics, the movies are extremely popular with fans of memes. (which I do not recommend playing) forgot to put a cap on name length, meaning that you can make your name as long as the entire tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise. Unfortunately, he taught his friend everything he knew. He tells him of a Sith Lord known as Darth Plagueis the Wise who was able to use the force to defeat death. Reflect On The Great Societies Of Old With These 20 Ancient Civilizat ... Know Your Meme ® is a trademark of Literally Media Ltd. By using this site, you are agreeing by the site's terms of use and privacy policy and DMCA policy. from PrequelMemes. In the scene that the meme is taken from, Senator Palpatine is trying to convince Anakin Skywalker to turn to the Dark Side of the force. The way the dialogue is written is lightly clunk. Then FN-2187 became a traitor, and got Han Solo to murder him while he was fighting traitors. He had such a knowledge of the First Orders regulations, he could even keep the loyal Stormtroopers that he was squad-mates with…from dying. It's a simple unity, but quite unbreakable | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes ... Aayu Clinics : Free Covid Testing in Chicago IL, Grub Hub's Delivery Dance, but with Context. The prequels memes subreddit has a funny subtitled caption that reads “visible disappointment” to when other people have heard about the meme. He tells him of a Sith Lord known as Darth Plagueis the … This is one of the only times in which Plagueis is mentioned in the Star Wars canon (Source). 1,755 likes. I thought not. Once Anakin says that he is unfamiliar with the Sith Lord, Palpatine shares the story. Jan 06, 2021 at 08:46AM EST Darth Plagueis: Like all Sith Lords before him, he craves absolute power. . When someone kidding about the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise. Unfortunately, he taught his squad-mate FN-2187 everything he knew. Aveva tale conoscenza del Lato Oscuro che riusciva a impedire a coloro che amava di morire” — Supremo Cancelliere Palpatine, Star Wars: Episodio III La Vendetta dei Sith Darth Plagueis: uno dei più brillanti Signori dei Sith mai vissuti. It seems like all of the memes from these films have an enduring popularity. Ironic. In the scene that the meme is taken from, Senator Palpatine is trying to convince Anakin Skywalker to turn to the Dark Side of the force. Have you heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? In the copypasta, Palpatine's last line and all of Anakin's are removed. In this version of the meme, we see that the YouTube counter has gone a second over the actual play time. Here’s somebody commented “when you meet a girl in the first thing she asked you is if you heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise.”, For all the Forza horizon 4 players I put the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise on a car from PrequelMemes. Create your own images with the The tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise meme generator. when they’ve already heard “The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise”, The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise but with DOOM music. However, he taught his apprentice all he knew, and then the apprentice killed him while he was asleep. Surprised to see me? from mylittlepony. This meme showcase has a dark stranglehold as two different images are transposed next to one another. Whether you’re a Star Wars fan or not, these memes are something that everyone can enjoy. This one is pretty meta. He could save others from poodoo… But not himself. The company has been on death's door for some time but some wily s***posting on /r/wallstreetbets and some positive news out of the company drove stock prices to insane levels this week. Dave Chappelle Tests Positive For COVID After Posing With Elon Musk, ... Russia Cracks Down On Websites Streaming 'Violent' Anime, QAnon Breaks Down Following Biden Inauguration, Rumors Of A "Titty Hornet" Invasion Are Greatly Exaggerated. When your friend starts telling you the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise. Here we have a skeptical owl saying hey, what’s up. Darth Plagueis era un Signore Oscuro dei Sith, così potente e così sapiente da poter usare la Forza per indurre i midi-chlorian a creare la vita. This meme is also popular because it’s applicable in a lot of situations. from UsernameChecksOut. The line about Darth Plagueis is how Palpatine introduces this as a topic of conversation. by Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Stoners, so high and so lit, he could use the Force to influence the marijuana to create…blunts. That day, while participating in the "Tales from the Dark Side Panel," he discussed the scene further (shown below). Memes creating here sentiment_very_satisfied Templates. Even though the prequel films concluded more than a decade ago, these memes are just as popular as they were when the films were brand new. Dat Boi was a Dark Frog of the Reddit, so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the reddit posters to create…memes. The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise from dankmemes. from PrequelMemes. There is a lot to enjoy about this meme. Make Tragedy of Darth Plagueis memes or upload your own images to make custom memes It’s very common for people to replace Darth Plagueis with another name. by dopl3r has all the entertainment with all kinds of Memes, Gifs and graphical jokes During the panel, he described the Darth Plagueis scene as the most "deliciously evil" one he performed. Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? As master and disciple, Plagueis and Palpatine—who took the Sith moniker Darth Sidious—worked together, trying to unlock the secrets of immortality and to execute their order's long-percolating plan of supplanting the Galactic Republic with a new Sith Empire. from PrequelMemes, Harrison Ford gets in on the action with somebody submitting a post titled “When your friend starts telling you the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise.” As a reaction, Harrison Ford has the caption “I’ve heard this bedtime story before.”, The tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise from PrequelMemes. He had such a lack of knowledge of the Dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about… From stepping in icky icky goo. Ironic. La leggenda di Darth Plagueis - L’Osservatore Domenicano.   Darth Sidious: In secret he masters the power of the dark side, while publicly climbing to the highest government office. Darth Plagueis: one of … The best memes from Instagram, Facebook, Vine, and Twitter about Darth Plagueis The Wise. You’ve already heard the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise. You can expect to see people using these memes for many years to come. Home; DMCA; copyright; privacy policy; contact; sitemap; Friday, September 6, 2013. The Darth Plagueis meme is one of the most popular prequel memes, and it’s easy to understand why. When you are just trying to watch a weird bubble show but Palpatine is sitting next to you trying to turn Anakin to the dark side.” This comes from the prequel memes subreddit and features a large rat looking askance. Create meme - darth plagueis. In it, we see panels from the actual Star Wars movie with the two characters having a discussion about a meme itself. The interview (shown below) became very popular on Reddit as three threads about the interview made the front page. Updated A jokester added Doom music over the now infamous video clip. You have entered an incorrect email address! [1] r/copypasta – The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise, [4] Cinema Blend – The Most Evil Scene In Star Wars, According To Ian McDiarmid, [5] Reddit – MFW they played the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis at Star Wars Celebration, [6] Reddit – For those who watched Ian McDiarmed at Star Wars celebration, [7] Reddit – Watching Ian McDiarmid watch the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise, Get Caught Up On The Latest 'Resident Evil Village' Trend And Its Antagonist Lady Dimitrescu With These 20 Memes, Dave Chappelle Tests Positive For COVID After Posing With Elon Musk, Grimes And Joe Rogan Days Before During A Comedy Show, Reflect On The Great Societies Of Old With These 20 Ancient Civilization Memes From Modern Day, 20 Old People Having The Time Of Their Lives On The Internet, Sleuth & Archivist & Conversationalist & Gallery Housekeeper, Database Moderator & Karma Philanthropist & Meme Taxonomist & Fleet Admiral & Amish, Digital Archaeologist & Treasurer & Collection Butler, Digital Archaeologist & Treasurer & Media Chauffeur. We’re not exactly sure what it is, so chime in in the comments section and explain it to us. The best memes from Instagram, Facebook, Vine, and Twitter about Darth Plagueis. But first, let’s dive into its backstory. For Some Reason, Twitter Imagines What Trump Wrote To Biden In His Transitional Note, Your Pilot Is Up To No Good In 'WTF My Pilot Doing' Photoshop Meme, Lady Gaga And Joe Biden Team Up For Couple Photo Meme, Indonesian Social Media In An Uproar Over An American's Thread About Living There, For More Nearly Three Decades, id Has Been At The Forefront Of First-Person Shooters, Megumin Is A Fan Favorite In The 'KonoSuba' Fandom, Pro-Landlord Subreddit '/r/LoveForLandlords' Users Can't Get Enough Of The Term 'Rentoid', 'My Grandfather Told Me About Elvis Presley' Meme Would Shock Grandfathers, Fathers, "Capitol Rioter Tasered His Testicles To Death" Rumor, The Virgin Edge of Dawn vs The Chad Funny Footsteps, Jumping on the mitten train by Dashiell Kirk. People usually use the meme to poke fun of someone when they made a mistake. It has gained popularity online as a meme among Star Wars fans. Make Did you hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise memes or upload your own images to make custom memes Find the newest Darth Plagueis meme. It's a Memer legend. Nome, in his capacity as reigning Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Tenebrous, had been searching for the right apprentice to train for the sole purpose of eventually possessing through the virulent mi… Section and explain it to us browser for the next time I comment and Twitter about Darth is. No thanks, take me back to the meme over life and death to. '' and want you to too an amusing conversation about the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis Wise! Making a quasi comeback, it 's one of the copypasta on channel... Reaction meme in employing an anime character a meme among Star Wars è un libro di James Luceno is. 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