I had a dream that there was somehow a line of truck's (pickup) that is full of water.And some animal's are drinking into it.Its kinda weird though. Water was one of the western classical elements the other being earth air and fire symbols. The dream is showing you that pumping them out- bringing them out- with the help of others could resolve the issue. In a dream, the surface of water might be like the dividing line between conscious and unconscious thoughts, feelings, and memories. Similar to roads, rivers often represent your life's journey and your emotional, psychological, and spiritual state that is either supporting your journey or hindering your progress. Thank you so much for your comment, rjbatty. Bubble baths may indicate a need to pamper yourself and find time to relax. Water Dreams The symbolism of water dreams can include life, death, change, rebirth and renewal, to name a few. The motion of the water: is it still, rolling, flowing smoothly, or turbulent and choppy? However, water can also be symbolic of your life force, chi, and psyche. A fish symbolizes fertility, feelings, creativity, rebirth, good luck, transformation, health, abundance, serenity, intelligence, happiness, strength, and endurance. What Does It Mean When You Dream About Your Ex? K D Martel from Quebec, CANADA on September 27, 2014: this is the best interpretation of water I have ever read. Water as a dream symbol represents your current emotional state of mind. For example, rivers, oceans, and lakes all hold different meanings. My neighbour on the other hand had some experts who were telling him that they would pump out the extra groundwater and no more water would come into his basement. Rain dreams can be negative as well as positive. A dream with deep water can imply that you are feeling out of your depth in some area of your life, or you need to focus on how you relate to others in your waking life. In most of the cases, water represents the flow of time, our destinies and life. Muslims cleanse themselves with water before they approach God. Crossing a river may represent overcoming an obstacle or moving from one stage to another. If you find yourself dreaming about water and are wondering so what does it mean when you dream about water? Dreaming of water that is too cold could relate to "cold" emotions such as depression, sadness, lack of love, and difficulty being in touch with your emotions. Do you think it reflects how you feel about your emotions or the emotional situations you face? I would wonder if the pipes aren't your wind pipe expressing emotions you are trying not to. ... Dreaming of bathtubs of water tibia is omened tension in the family relationships yours due to the intolerance of another of their members. :) Thank you for writing this hub. If the water was turbid, it indicates the danger and you should be careful. As protectors of the forest and creatures of noble status, they appear in dreams as everything from messengers to Christ figures. When analyzing dreams about water, take into account the type of water formation you are surrounded by (i.e., river, ocean, swimming pool, puddle, etc. O P Q R S T Then ask yourself the following questions: Liked this page? Always with a lot of people standing around just watching my distress. These are some of the most common meanings that boats have in our dreams. Depending on the type of boat involved, your dream of a boat can also symbolize the desire for a simple, slow-paced way of life. Turbulent flowing water in a dream, such as tidal waves or floods, can suggest that there is some chaos in your life, or you are feeling inundated, pressured or overwhelmed in some area of your life. Seeing a pool may represent your need to get in touch with and gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of these feelings. You feel a rush of emotions and you may find yourself very busy in the next few days. Marriage in Dreams Symbolize. Dreaming of a jetty or pier in a lake could represent self-reflection into the unconscious leading to emotional and spiritual growth. Water is a symbol of emotion because water, like emotion, constantly moves and flows. Thanks. It often indicates the way we express our emotions. I am known as a dreamer and always try to understand each dream the best way i can. This dream symbol can have both negative and positive meanings. nowhere to swim too. DEEP WATER Waterfalls often relate to a great release of emotion, rejuvenation, and renewal of spirit. Are these plants or animals natural to the pond? Remember that alligators are water creatures and water symbolizes emotions. A dream that features clean and clear water implies purity of our feelings. Waves in your dreams may symbolize your emotions and creativity, as well as events that will come in the future. How you perceive sharks largely affects their meaning in your dreams. I wonder how you were feeling about this and if you felt nervous at all and had feelings associated with how you would likely feel in the setting of your dream in waking life. There are many ways to dream about water. I was terrified after, feeling as if something was going to happen to her in (drowning, boating accident etc). These emotions may relate to a real situation that is troubling the individual (financial troubles, for example) or the dreamer's perception of their place in life and negative anticipation of future events. Waterfalls can also have sexual connotations. Seeing or carrying a bottle of honey in a dream means learning a trick from a loathsome person. Here, the lack or river sounds like it has a more spiritual reference for you. Always tranquil and serene, i dream of wading in clean clear water that is always still. I keep having dreams of my best friend who passed a year and a half ago. Water also has the power to destroy. Water is a contextual symbol in literature, however, meaning that it can symbolize many things depending on how it is used in a novel or a story. It is also the symbol of spirituality. I too had a strange dream last night, the reason why I read your article. Sometimes we are going to go floating or watch an event. I would associate your dream with how you are approaching life. I apologize for replying so late. Fish is a common symbol in dreams, and it usually has a good meaning, but it can also symbolize some troubles and unpleasant situations coming your way. If you dream about your home being swallowed by water, it may indicate feeling endangered or threatened. It makes one stop and think. Water in dreams represents feelings and desires, depending on how your thoughts are. Water is one of common dream motifs and it occurs in different forms in our dreams. It may be beneficial to explore what creatures are contained in the pond. What is marriage symbolize dreams meaning? Often, the river represents the flow or direction of the dreamer's life. One of the most common dreams is water. An ocean would show me how expansive and infinite the universe and God truly are. Karen A Szklany from New England on August 26, 2018: Lovely article, Sue! In any case, its symbolism is always strong. They can be minor although they may develop into something bigger the dreamer will need to address down the road. If you had a dream about water in general, it is a symbol of your own emotions in a real life. Dreams of aquifers can be very positive. If you think about it, much of the deepest waters are still unexplored, that makes the … For example, it is very important to see if the water in your dream has been clear or dirty, what was the quality of water, what is the color of waves, etc. Shallow water vs. Dream about water is connecting a man’s soul to the uttermost part of the earth. Riding a wave is a positive representation of effectively managing emotions and difficult challenges in life. Water appearing in your dreams can have any number of connotations depending on it’s color, whether it was calm or rough and even the state of the water. And it usually symbolizes the unconscious and hidden thoughts. However, the biblical meaning portend a number of good symbols to Christian believers. The type of water dream you are having, the clarity of the water, and your overall emotional response to the water in the dream will provide some insight on what emotions and feelings you are experiencing. Analyzing dream symbols and ascribing meaning has become a popular source of both entertainment and self-reflection in popular culture. Water is one of the most common and powerful dream symbols, and it's no wonder, considering how essential it is to life. If you associate bubble baths with your youth, the dream may relate to a need to honor your inner child and make time for the little things that make you happy and carefree. Common Boat Dreams. Dreams about alligators could be a reminder to always watch your back and never trust anyone too much. Horses in dreams are almost always positive symbols—with the exception of a few certain circumstances. Is it a massive amount of water or only a small amount? The International Association of the Study of Dreams has a lot of interesting information. It is a kind of mysterious substance because it can penetrate the object, flow along its surface and around it. Now when you know what the Biblical meaning of water is, we will present you a couple of the dreams about water and their interpretations. Carrie Lee Night from Northeast United States on October 11, 2013: Interesting ! Water is used in rituals during funerals and is an essential element in daily worship. You have come from a battle and now … Being tossed by waves or set adrift in an ocean may reflect feelings of impotence or loneliness. The dog delivering a small puppy would relate to hope and the potential for personal growth. I asked them to help me and they said, well, as your neighbour. Once you’re happy you’ve captured the essence of your dream, do a little research online or in books about the symbolism of water. I have become your follower now. The underwater creatures might represent dangerous or threatening people or emotions in your life. This is not natural and cannot be sustained. According to DreamDictionary.org, the appearance of water in one’s dream holds different meaning depending on color, location, and mood. If after you dive into the water, but unable to come out then it indicates impossibilities and near success syndrome on your part. Others believe sharks are water-based demons and therefore, unclean. Streams can represent the flow of emotions for many dreamers. What do you think this could symbolize? This type of flexibility allows the dreamer to surpass obstacles and achieve goals. A dream with clean and clear water can symbolize wisdom and a clear outlook, while cloudy or contaminated water can highlight confusion or the need to do better in some part of your life.what does it mean when you dream about water 3. As with all symbols, lakes can refer to something very personal to the dreamer. Thank you for your comment. I felt nervous and then my daughters phone number appeared. I hope to hear from you soon. They started pumping out the extra water and his overflowing stopped, mine continued. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Hi Sue, The interpretations are very interesting and also at the same time would like to get a better idea of what i saw in my dreams. Water dreams can be consider the universal symbol of the unconscious mind. Hopefully will see you at our next hubmeetup. You may need of relief from hunger or thirst. Types of Dreams Involving Water. Because I often relate oceans to making me feel more relaxed deep down inside, but at the same time in full control of my environment, or other things around me. You must interpret these things as you will have been told to help you understand several things. According to Loewenberg, here's a list of the most common appearances of water in pregnancy dreams and what they mean. Verywell / Jessica Olah. By Staff Writer Last Updated Apr 13, 2020 5:58:31 PM ET. SHALLOW WATER VS. Sometimes it's an anxious feeling, but other times, it's not. You really covered all the bases for different ways water is involved in our lives. It could mean your regulation of your emotions is not in is best shape and you need to review where you are putting your energy. Are you going with the flow and trusting nature or a higher power to influence the direction of your life, or are you being passive and directionless? Water is present during Shinto rituals for the purpose of purification. If you are focused on the drain, perhaps you are feeling drained by your own decisions or by others. The cleanliness of the water: Is it clear and pure or polluted and murky? Although ponds contain emotion, they are natural bodies of water and often represent the quiet, tucked-away emotions and unconscious self that has been present all along but not yet fully explored. Subscribe and follow us to get the latest info and updates! She's really getting scared of these dreams all the time, we r fighting the water together or trying to save us or others. Thanks so much for taking the time to read my hub and comment. If it's raining in your dream, what does that mean? Books can be a great source of knowledge and entertainment, and in our dreams often symbolize learning or needing an escape from reality. As there are many different types of books and ways books can appear in our dreams, there are also different possible dream interpretations. Since you had a few times to think, what has the dream meant to you? The water may represent your emotions, and the tap is your control over them. Wereyou drinking the water or were you drowning in it? As with most symbols, waves can have both negative and positive meanings. The shoreline might indicate the edge of a dreamer's conscious mind, the division between what is known and seen and what is hidden. There is an emphasis on "living water" i.e. This aspect of a dream may be most helpful to the dreamer because what needs to be addressed (negative thought patterns) is in the dreamer's control. The dream book will tell you about different interpretation options. It certainly sounds like a lovely dream. A dream featuring shallow water can symbolize lack of vital energy or superficial emotions, so perhaps you are being passive, feeling lethargic or putting on a front in some area of your waking life. Why else does the image in question appear in dreams? The dream is often associated with other factors that need to be interpreted separately. Can you survive or even thrive in an unnatural setting? :). ... What does it mean when dreams are set in nighttime vs. daytime? A bridge over a stream may mean you are making an emotional transition. Very vivid dream. Hot Articles . Hope to see more of your dream hubs! Harry Brant dies aged 24. Glenn Stok from Long Island, NY on April 18, 2012: Wow! Where is the dreamer directing his or her emotions? Then again that could be a good thing in a way. Thank you for sharing your dream experiences with me. I asked the neighbour, but he seemed to preoccupied to help me. Other meanings include a search for knowledge, spirituality, or comfort. Eventually, the feelings overwhelm and flood, forcing the person to express them one way or another. Each dream is similar as her and I are going with a group of people to party at the lake or river. Floods can have many different characteristics within a dream. A glass bottle, for instance, can also mean a slanderous companion, prostitute or adulterous person and even a form of sickness. (Glass bottle; Water skin) In a dream, a bottle represents a money pouch, knowledge, a womb, or a despicable person. It was lovely, and puzzling, but also playful. Discovering an underground pool might be like finding a deep and untapped part of yourself. As soon as I read it I was reminded of the concept of chakras and was wondering if your dream relates to the flow of energy and discovering something new within yourself. Although the dream about rain can always relate to fortune, not all have a similar meaning. It will destroy any obstacles on its way. This dream of the ocean sounds like you are not in touch with unconscious emotions that need your attention. Woman takes legal action to prove she is... Venus Williams loves full-body peels. The meaning of your dream depends on the body of water you had in your dreams. 2021 DreamDictionaryNow. James Bowden from Long Island, New York on April 18, 2012: Excellent article about the different forms of water and how they can be related to our dreams. First I saw a pool which was very dirty but wasn't muddy but full of dust and dirt. A dream featuring the controlling of water in the form of dams for example, implies that you are focusing on the subconscious or controlling your emotions in some area of your life. We all like to count on our homes to be safe living spaces. I have read the Y!A archives on this question and I didnt like the answers, any new ideas? I absolutely love your interpretations. People commonly have dreams about water, but what do dreams about water mean really? Water dreams can be both positive and negative so take the time and recall as many objects as possible. Is it appropriate or displaced? With that said, I have suddenly realized that I don't quite remember having had any dreams about water. Tears in general relate to positive and healthy expressions of emotion that have allowed the dreamer to grow from a psychological and spiritual standpoint. Dream about drowning in deep water Dreams about deep water are representations of problems you are going to … Pools often relate to relaxation and enjoyment associated with summer, spending time with family or friends, and vacation, but they can also have deeper meanings. Dreaming of calm and clear water. Dream of traveling by boat What Does Water Symbolize in Literature? The symbolism of water is as vast as all the water in the world. When emotions and issues are repressed and avoided, they push back until they are acknowledged by the dreamer. The symbolism of this dream depends on whether the water was clean or dirty, hot or cold, and so on. Is it cold or turbulent or murky etc.? What does it mean to dream about a squeeze? Exploring our own dreams really helps us understand our own subjectivity, I think. I was crossing the river towards the opposite direction of the flow of the water. You may not have been listening to yourself lately. All rights reserved. Again, the water might also represent emotions and point to recent overwhelming emotional changes at home. My uncle died feb,25.2018.i had a dream of him he was in desperate need of money so me and my mother got money for him.what does this mean? But, the context is different. Seeing a bathtub or shower in a dream may indicate the need to relax, take a break, and take care of emotional and/or spiritual concerns. Although not always, many individuals with substance abuse issues report dreaming of empty pools. Read on to find out what those circumstances are and what horses typically symbolize in dreams. In the following period you will experience some dangerous and stressed situations. Water will often symbolize emotions and feelings in dreams. Perhaps escaping emotions and coming down from a high leave the dreamer feeling empty and void of all emotion. Also … Most often, water represents cleansing, life and freedom. Are these plants or animals thriving or dying? ggoldie/CC-BY 2.0. Your dreams sound beautiful and energizing. This may represent the dreamer's ability to go with the flow at times and act decisively and deliberately to work with circumstances at hand. These animals live mostly in the water, choosing to stay hidden. My dreams usually have a body of water--lately it's an ocean and a lake, peaceful and not filled with rapid waves. The mention of water in numerous time in The Bible shows the importance of water. It is simply liberating to me to realize that our dreaming is something we can change over time as we change ourselves. Sewage can show the dreamer that unattended and unexpressed emotions are festering inside and becoming toxic. Unravel the unconscious symbols of your dreams and find clarity in waking life. This powerful symbol yet very common dream symbol encourages you to explore the unknown depths of your emotional state of mind. Seeing or carrying a bottle of fuel in a dream means earning unlawful money through an … Most often, water represents cleansing, life and freedom. If you’ve dreamed about snakes amid the coronavirus pandemic… Since aquifers are often the source of water levels within other bodies of water, the dreamer may be exploring the core issue or underlying cause of emotional distress. Water can be experienced in many forms and thus the condition or form of the water in the dream can reflect very different mental states; let's take a look at some of the most common. Since aquifers are an underground layer of water, they often relate to the unconscious and unconscious emotions. Water is a powerful dream symbol that holds deep messages to the dreamer and shouldn’t be over looked. For instance, water is often associated with transformation, such as in a baptism, so you might see your dream as telling you to expect a big change ahead. This method of emotional regulation often backfires for the dreamer. * What does a dream about water symbolize to you? Symbolism of water related dream is quite similar from any point of view, be it Biblical or spiritual in general terms. Dams are a rather direct symbol indicating the dreamer is repressing emotions that need to be expressed. Water is an important dream to interpret because this relates to emotional stability. Are you open-minded, looking to try new things or hoping for a fresh start? As Water is an important aspect of life and without it no life is possible. I had water OVERFLOWING from hundreds of places, pipes, cracks, corners, some dripping, some puddling and some falling from way up in constant streams..I was freaking, all I could think was I have to pump all this extra water, I have too much groundwater coming in! As with all water dreams, the quality of the water and the overall context of the scene is important. The spiritual meaning of ocean, river, lake can represent good or bad meanings. Your dreams of water in a negative way sounds like they could relate to negative emotions. Sewage can relate to the emotions that have been discarded and disowned because the dreamer perceived them as vile and shameful. Sweat may relate to specific emotions such as anxiety, nervousness, and frantic worry. As always, remember though that you are the foremost expert on your dreams! Then suddenly it was a river and the water was brown in color but not muddy. since you are driving through them, they are making your path more difficult and are influencing your direction in life. Ponds are often associated with tranquility, stillness, the need to sit quietly with oneself and reflect, and being emotionally calm in general. In the interpretation of dreams, the water is generally regarded as a symbol of affection, female, creativity or vitality. Do you have confidence and are in full control of your emotions and your life? Water frequently shows up in dreams and can have many different meanings depending on its form, clarity, etc. Wanted to run this by you though: I had a dream where I saw a body of water (not sure what kind) but there were light ripples from drops (maybe rain?). Also since you feel you cannot enjoy the water, it is possible you are struggling with confronting some intense feelings. From dreams to intuition, magic and mystery, water holds endless inspiration. Sharon Christy from India on July 15, 2012: Very thorough and insightful. Thank you for sharing your dream. When you have the drowning in water dreams, it can be a sign of something. It is important to consider the following to help you analyze and asses your particular dream's meaning. Love the way you take each context of water and break it down. Dreams are like letters from the unconscious mind. I have water dreams a lot and explaining the different types helps shed light on how to interpret. Water is a symbol of life and regeneration and without it we wouldn’t be alive. Ponds typically contain a lot of life. Whenyou dream about water, it should be noted that there are many beliefs associatedwith this kind of dream. On the surface, it represents your emotions. If the water represents your emotions or your unconscious thoughts, then finding it full of sneaky, slippery, squirming things with teeth can be quite unnerving. Giphy. Awesome and interesting article which I also voted up. If a snake appeared in a sensual dream… Snakes can also symbolize male sexual energy — vis-à-vis “their shape,” Loewenberg says. Archives on this question and i shared it with a group of people to party at the could. Also playful self-reflection in popular culture wind pipe expressing emotions you wish to discover difficulties and spiritual standpoint by water. Stopped, mine continued relationships yours due to the need to express them one way or another often. Been discarded and disowned because the dreamer that thoughts are spontaneous, free flowing standing... Exploring our own dreams really helps us understand our own dreams really helps us understand own. Of God ’ s static or “ frozen ” Liked this page backfires for the common. 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