Their best tank mate are fish such as the Red Head Tapajo or other Severum. Banded Cichlids can grow up to 20 cm long. With proper care and right tank condition, Banded Cichlids can live up to 10 years. They are also not as picky as their cousins, tolerating wider temperature ranges (74-84°F). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This will help keep the water clean and also discourage fungus and algae growth. Learn more. However, the Red Spotted Severum may feed on the first batch of the egg they lay. ► Maintain suitable water temperature, and change the water weekly or bi-weekly. The Gold or Golden Severum and Red Spotted Severum are both a variety of the captive breed of the Severum Cichlids. Habitat: This is the primary location where the cichlid is found and is a generalization. Severum: Size: Up to 8 inches (20cm) Habitat: South America: Orinoco River basin, in the upper Orinoco River drainage in Colombia and Venezuela; Amazon River basin, in the upper Negro River basin. Banded Cichlid description. The Gold Severum ( Heros cf. Severum Cichlid Care ► If proper care is taken and appropriate water conditions are maintained, these fish can grow up to 10 – 12 inches in size and live up to 10 years. The driftwood also helps to lower the pH level and create the ‘tea-stained’ color of their natural habitat – the South American rivers. Banded Cichlids are omnivores, and can be fed with small live and frozen foods. The female will tend to the eggs while the male keeps an eye on the perimeter to defend it from intruders. They have eight dark vertical bands along their sides which fades as they continue to age. We have various types of cichlid fishes available for sale. Depending on their coloration and body patterns, there are different types of species belonging to this family, but this description refers to the two most common types: The Golden Severum (Heros severus) and The Red Spotted Severum (Heros efasciatus) with more interest on the beautifully colored Red Spotted Severum. The Red Shoulder Severum ( Heros cf. Golden and Red Spotted Severum are omnivores and would feed on a variety of diets including meaty food and vegetables. The male has a ponted anal and dorsal fins and can even develop a nuchal hump if they are properly fed. Severum are found in calm, deeper, slower moving rivers and tributaries, as well as tannin stained floodplain lakes, usually around submerged branches and tree roots. They are known by the scientific name Heros severus and also by the name Cichlasoma severum. A cichlid pellet food (cichlid sticks) can form the primary portion of its diet. Care of green severum cichlid: Put the fish in a tank about 50 gallons. Red Shoulder Severum (Cichlasoma severum, Heros Rotkeil). (After come careful acclimation of 2 tanks, I combined my Severums with the Africans and … The original Severum Cichlid has a greenish body with a yellowish gold belly. Size is roughly around 3-4 inches. They are known to be one of the most friendliest fish within the cichlid … As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Convict Cichlid. Compatibility: recommended tank mates include Firemouth Cichlids, Eartheaters, Electric Blue Jack Dempseys, Plecostomus Catfish, Pictus Catfish,... Severums, like most fish, will eat smaller fish that fit into their mouths. Their diets can also be supplemented with high quality and vitamin enriched flaked food and pellets. For the Gold Severum, Heros severus (Haeckel, 1840), it could not be farther from the truth. They are known to be one of the most friendliest fish within the cichlid … They will do best in a cichlid community tank. All Severum Cichlids Heros severus are easily recognized and popular with both beginner and advanced aquarists. They possess bright orange-red color on their bellies, anal and pelvic fins with an intense and bright red eyes. The minimum tank size required for these fish is a 50-gallon tank – single fish. Diet: Many cichlids specialize in eating one type of food; notwithstanding, some of these specialized Tetras – Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi), Dwarf Angelfish – Golden Angelfish (Centropyge aurantia). However, the Red Spotted Severum are primarily a color variant of the Golden Severum. Size is roughly around 3 inches. Suitable tankmates include Angelfish, Plecos, Horseface Loaches, Brown Hoplos, Ropefish, Barbs, Pearl Cichlids, Flag Cichlids, and similar sized Gouramis. Just with every other species of the Cichlid genus, the Severum Cichlids, the back parts of the dorsal, anal, pelvic and pectoral fins have spiny rays to help wade off predators. Add a few plants as well as rocks, but leave adequate space for the fish to enjoy. Instead of a large feed once a day, they can be fed small quantities several times a day with just enough they could finish in 3-5 minutes. A group of 4-6 juveniles male and female can be introduced into the tank. They are found in moderate moving water with a slight acidic pH level of 6.0-6.5, water hardness ranging from 4-6 dGH and a temperature of 23.3-28.9˚C. Additionally, provide fine sand or smooth gravel substrate. They also tend to grow larger than other severum breeds and are more attractive too. They will lock their lips and tail slap before the actual spawning process. Severum Cichlids are South American Cichlids from the northern Amazon region of Brazil. There are aggressive ones who don't share their tank with any fish, there are few which are well behaved in a community tank & also few which are gentle giants. The breeding process can be encouraged with the right water condition and feeding them adequately. Key To Species Profile Terms Pronunciation: Refer to our Pronunciation Key for an explanation of the phonetic symbols. The tail and dorsal fins are whitish with yellow spots. Depending on their coloration and body patterns, there are different types of species belonging to this family, but this description refers to the two most common types: The Golden Severum (Heros severus) and The Red Spotted Severum (Heros efasciatus) with more interest on the beautifully colored Red Spotted Severum. Very beautiful fish to add to your aquarium! They are a captive breed of the Gold Severum precisely to increase the red color of the fish. The Banded Cichlid is a member of the Cichlids genus originating from the South American rivers including the Orinoco river basins and the upper Negro river basin. The Golden Severum is one of a slew of varieties derived from the common and popular Severum Cichlid. Severum Cichlids tend to resemble their larger cousins, the Discus cichlids, in body shape and feature a laterally compressed oval shaped frame. The blood parrot cichlid (or more commonly and formally known as parrot cichlid; no binomial nomenclature) is a hybrid thought to be between the midas and the redhead cichlid, although the true parent species has not been confirmed by breeders.The fish was first bred in Taiwan around 1986. ► A minimum of 50 gallons tank with a pH of 6 – 7 is recommended for severums to thrive. They are social species and can be kept in schools of 4-6. After this is done, the breeding mates should be separated as the male may become overly aggressive towards other males in a bid to protect and defend their territory. Should not be kept with bite-sized tank mates, nor with very aggressive or territorial fish as this Severum can be shy. See more ideas about cichlids… Aquarium Care How to successfully keep Green Severum in the home aquarium. Tank Mates : Similar sized fish species, may fight with other cichlids. After more years than I care to acknowledge, I'm finally going to set up a saltwater tank. Severums are an excellent beginner South American Cichlid due to their ease of care, manageable temperament, and low cost. Green Severum. Setting up the ideal aquarium for the Golden and Red Spotted Severum should be done to mimic the comfort of their wild counterparts in their natural habitat. Since, the demand for Convict Cichlids are less in the hobby, you need to decide if you want to raise them or not. When they are ready for breeding, the male will darken and intensify its color. The Gold Severum is a carnivore and will eat most prepared and frozen foods, including freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, and ocean plankton, as well as flake food and Cichlid pellets. Diet: Omnivorous, Accepts all live, flake and frozen. Privacy Policy | SiteMap | Aquarium Dictionary | Affiliate Disclosure | Contact Us. The parents continue protecting the fry for up to 6 weeks, after which they can be moved to a separate tank for nursing until they are mature enough to explore other aquarium worlds. What are the suitable tank mates for Banded Cichlids? Temperament and Tank Mates: Green severum cichlids are quite aggressive in temperament, especially when spawning. Suitable tankmates include Angelfish, Plecos, Horseface Loaches, Brown Hoplos, Ropefish, Barbs, and similar sized Gouramis. Breeding Banded cichlids are moderately hard to breed, but if successful they will form a strong pairing and there eggs will be laid on a flat surface such as the tank glass or slate. Severum Cichlid Breeding Convict Cichlids ... Convict Cichlid Fry Care. Unsuitable tankmates for these species include, Shrimps, Snails, Sharks, Tiger Barbs. Hello folks and welcome to the Codex! They also possess one nostril on each side. However, due to the fact that the Golden and Red Spotted Severum are captive breeds they are not found in the wild, but would exhibit similar characteristics as their wild counterparts. The Uaru Cichlid Uaru amphiacanthoides presents one of the most unique body shapes and coloring in cichlid family. Preferred vegetables would include lettuce, peas, zucchini and cucumber. Ideal tank mates include similar sized: Other South American Cichlids, Plecos , Scavenger Catfish and similar sized, miscellaneous fish. corner tank that previously housed African Cichlids. What is the best food for Banded Cichlids? The water should be changed weekly replacing up to 20% of the water at each interval. Their common names include the Banded Cichlid, Hero Cichlid and the Severum. If you decide you do not want to raise them, I do understand the reason; with 200 fry every month or 2, it gets difficult to keep or provide them a place. For this, driftwood, rocks, and caves will do since they mimic natural division in territories. efasciatus , formerly H. severus ), also known as the Rotkeil or Red Neck Severum, is a very popular mid-sized cichlid that has been kept and bred in the aquarium hobby for many years. Also known as Zebra Cichlids, the Convict Cichlid is a species of fish that is incredibly popular in the fish keeping hobby due to their low care requirements, and their beautiful coloring. The Golden Severum has a pale yellowish gold color with a yellow anal, pelvic and pectoral fins. The male and female should be properly fed to induce breeding. They are suitable with other Cichlid species and with other species having the same semi-aggressive temperaments. Updated August 6, 2019Author: Mike - FishLore AdminSocial Media: The Hero Severum (Heros efasciatus) is known as the common severum - the fish pictured is actually a wild collected Heros notatus. They can also be kept with peaceful species. Green Severum require an aquarium of 55 gallons for a pair and the aquarium should be larger (75-90 gallons) if multiple tank mates are added. The Banded Cichlid is a tropical freshwater species belonging to the Cichlid family and originating from the upper Orinoco and upper Rio Negro basins in South America. Water Parameters : pH 6 - 8 | dH range: 5 - 25 | Temperature : 75°F - 85°F (24°C - 29°C), Origin / Habitat : South America, Amazon River basin and its tributaries (ref: fishbase), Temperament / Behavior : May eat smaller fish as it grows and can become aggressive with other fish (it is a cichlid). Cichlids in general have a well-deserved reputation for being nasty, and beating up on their tankmates. Severum Alternative Name(s): Banded Cichlid Scientific Name(s): Heros efasciatus Category: Cichlid Difficulty: Maximum Size: 25cms Minimum Tank Volume: 210 litres Minimum Tank Size: 48" x 15" x 18" Water Temperature Range: 22-29°C Water pH Range: 5.5-7.0 Water Hardness Range: 1-8 dGH Can be relatively peaceful but can still be a Cichlid. However, a 100-gallon tank is required for a breeding pair or community tank. For efficient breeding, a breeding tank should be set up with slightly acidic water pH of 6.0-6.5, hardness of 4-6 dH and a temperature of 26-28˚C subject to frequent water changing. The Red Shoulder Severum is arguably the most popular severum cichlid due to its incredible adult coloration! In general they have a moderate care level, and with proper care and adequate tank conditions the Banded Cichlids can live up to 10 years. With time they will naturally pair up and select breeding mates. This does not mean a fish cannot be found in other habitats. Blood parrots should not be confused with other parrot cichlids or salt water parrotfish (family Scaridae). These processed foods should be of high quality and vitamins enriched too. However, to produce many color varieties, they have been bred in tank captivity producing the brown, green, gold and turquoise severum. They can also be fed frozen foods such as the frozen brine shrimp and frozen bloodworms. The convict cichlids are universally agreed upon to be the easiest to keep cichlids. … Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 1" to 1.5"; Medium: 1-1/2" to 2-1/2" The Severum is a carnivore and will eat most prepared and frozen foods, including freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, and ocean plankton, as well as flake food and Cichlid pellets. They prefer an aquarium with dense plant vegetation and lots of shelter spots. Gender : May have to wait until they are mature and the males will have more spots on the face and gills. Water Parameters: Domestic Severums do best in waters with these parameters based on my experience (these were a very popular fish among my clients): A temperature of 74 - 84° F (24 - 29° C). When you purchase pet fish from us, you know you're receiving premium quality fish and premium quality service. These fishes add attractive and eye catchy colors to the fresh water aquarium. Severum Cichlids. The female will move the eggs onto the cleaned rock surface or the hole they dug. Banded cichlids are difficult to sex but the male usually has a slightly higher coloration. Then both parents will then defend and protect their eggs until they hatch. Severum Cichlid Aquarium Care Severum Cichlids are some what semi-aggressive & again it depends on the personality of the fish. The Red Shoulder Severum is native to the Amazon Basin in South America. Shrimp, Earthworms, bloodworms, mealworms, small insect larvae, marine crustaceans and smaller live prey including fishes are meaty live food enjoyed by these species. After the eggs hatch, the parents will take them up in their mouth until they are free swimming and mature enough to hunt for food. Also a chunk of wood would provide a good spot for spawning. The South American Cichlids are very hardy and easy to care. Depending on their coloration and body patterns, there are many varieties, the most popular ones being the Golden and Red Spotted Severum which are a variety of a captive breed. They exhibit sexual dimorphism with the female having dark specks on the dorsal fins and are void of pattering on their head. The eyes are also yellow in color. If you particularly ask what is the best food for Banded Cichlids, we recommend the: Hikari Cichlid Gold Floating Pellets Large. The Uaru Cichlid is best known for its unique triangle shape, incredible intelligence and impressive spawning colors! The Banded Cichlids are native to the South American river basins such as the Orinoco river basins including drainages in Colombia and Venezuela. Tank compatibility A reasonably peaceful large Cichlid, can be kept a little like Discus by way of temperament. They possess soft front fins which aids them for effortless swimming and accurate positioning in the water. They owe their name ‘Banded Cichlids’ to these peculiar body bands. As social species, they can be kept with other species, but this will require a larger tank of 100 gallon or more. Depending on the age and size, the female will lay up 1000 eggs and the male will fertilize them. Due to some similar features, they are often confused with several other species belonging to the Cichlids family. I have a 45 gal. … They should also be fed with vegetables. Andrew here, in the fishkeeping hobby for more than 20 years! As omnivores, in the wild, they feed on plants, algae and smaller live prey. Feel free to get in touch using the Contact page! They also have a craving for vegetables and processed foods. They are egg guarders and really need their own tank for breeding. What is the maximum size of Banded Cichlids? Our fish and our customers are treated with the best of care, and we work energetically everyday to make sure every customer enjoys their new fishy friends. Behavior: Moreover, they can also be territorial, so they will require enough space to form and maintain their territory. A fine sand substrate would be perfect. Large and aggressive species should be greatly avoided as they would make the tank uncomfortable for the Golden and Red Spotted Severum. Also little, peaceful and slow moving species, should also be avoided as the Golden and Red Spotted Severum can prey on these little ones. efasciatus , formerly H. severus ) is a very popular mid-sized cichlid that has been … Attractive and eye catchy colors to the eggs onto the cleaned rock surface or hole! Possess soft front fins which aids them for effortless swimming and accurate positioning in the wild they would make tank... Including small prey Severum Cichlids the truth female can be encouraged with the right water condition severum cichlid care feeding them.. Increase the Red Shoulder Severum is native to the Amazon Basin in South America oval frame... Intelligence and impressive spawning colors from us, you know you 're premium! Of its diet or Golden Severum and Red Spotted Severum are primarily a color variant the. Parrots should not be farther from the truth 6 – 7 is recommended for to. These species include, Shrimps, Snails, Sharks, Tiger Barbs Spotted are! 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