Another citizen thinks that the Straw Hats plan to kidnap the Mermaid Princess, but the others doubt it since Shirahoshi is big and she is under the protection of Neptune. Robin brings up the poneglyph she found in Skypeia which told of the location of the ancient weapon being on Fish-Man Island. While they are sailing, the Caribou Pirates ship is quickly approaching Thousand Sunny from behind, being towed by a sea monster. He has pulled maneuvers even some certified yonko commanders would find hard to replicate. Hoe arrives just in time and Neptune grabs a rope around the whale, and Hoe begins to carry him out of the palace. [23], After this display, Decken continues the explanation, saying that he can only keep two targets in his memory and that his right hand is reserved for Shirahoshi whom he touched long ago. Fukaboshi and Manboshi realize that if something were to happen with Decken the ship would fall on the island. He cites his mother's death on this grudge and realizes that while its too late to change the minds of those in Fish-Man District. Otohime then request to Aladdin to heal Mjosgard which he complies. If they killed Mjosgard right on Fish-Man Island and the Fish-Man Island citizens keep quiet about it, it would just be classified as a shipwreck accident. Seeing this, the Ammo-Guards report this to those around the island. Jinbe manages to block it asking if that all Luffy's training has produced. Asadora! Fukaboshi adds they will collect the signatures and become warriors to protect their sister. Sanji follows after him and, remembering his training, suddenly catches on fire and kicks the giant with an attack that burns him completely. [18], Back in the Noah District, a group of pirates are fleeing back to their ship. Kuroobi claims that this attack is so strong that it can break through one hundred tiles. Ikaros gets behind him but before he can counter, Franky fires a fireball at him, triggering his squid reflex. [59], As all this had went on, the Ammo-Guards managed to successfully fire a new air bubble over the Noah and radio Luffy of this. tools/tracking. The thief revealed that he had been down on his luck having lost his job after his business burned down and winding up in debt and having ten kids to feed. The princess was worrying about her beloved pet heavily and cried continuously until Megalo returned. Tiger then formed the Sun Pirates with Jinbe, Hachi, and Arlong as part of the crew. Download. Jinbe is dismayed that Arlong will not respect Tiger's final words. Dosun follows suit when the pirates begin to realize how insane their officers have become in pursuit of their revenge. [53], As the ship starts to fall toward the island, Fukaboshi with Luffy on his back, races to it. Luffy says he spent the last two years training to do just that. Luffy's group does so and they take off. Hody recover and states he knows of Luffy intention of trying to fight him on the Noah. Rayleigh then comments to Shakky that destiny is slowly taking shape and that Luffy has proven himself that he is worthy of wearing that certain Straw Hat. Hody continues to bad mouth Otohime claiming that her crying over the island was reason enough to kill her and proudly declaring doing the deed. Jinbe warns luffy to be on the watch as there was some bad blood against the two since the war. However, even timeless journeys like the Straw Hats' must eventually come to an end, and it wasn't too long ago that the series would get an actual goal.Once the Straw Hats found the giant elephant island of Zou, they discovered the means of finding the final island, Laugh Tale: Find four, red poneglyphs known as the … However, he was intercepted by Borsalino and easily defeated. They plead they had no idea that Hody was responsible for Otohime's death. However, some plants which Usopp calls "Humandrake" jump out at Daruma and knock him down. Pappag allows the group to have whatever they want free of charge as thanks for the help on Sabaody. Decken homes in on Shirahoshi at Coral Hill and proposes to her. With Sanji, Jinbe, and Wadatsumi, Wadatsumi threatens to use his size to flatten all in the plaza which Jinbe takes as a cue. Vinyl #398. Soon, the Fish-Man District turned into a haven for Fish-Man Island's outcasts. She tries to put on a brave front after seeing Luffy, thinking him to be an assassin, before crying out for her father and brothers. Brook lets him up and they proceed to battle. Before they can get very far, Hody appears in front of them, handcuffed, and drills inside the ship. He also states his plan of going to the Levely and killing the kings there to make a terrifying name for himself and Fish-Man Island across the globe. Otohime tells them to let the ship in and to put an emergency response unit to the coast. [29], Soon the news of Tiger's act of attacking Mary Geoise reached Fish-Man Island. Luffy calls out to Jinbe who only nods in recognition as a reminder of his promise. What more Wadatsumi's new size is hitting his own allies. But then again, his capabilities are undoubtedly the real deal. Commotion suddenly arises outside the shop and the group rushes out to see why. Volumes On land, they can breathe with their lungs like humans do. [31], Back with the Sun Pirates, Tiger chastised Arlong and Jinbe for their brutal actions against their opponents. Den explains that Fish-Man and Merman have old genes in them so if for example, a shark mermaid was born from an octopus mermaid, that would mean his ancestor was a shark. Camie then remembers that she needed to go visit Pappag and deliver clams. Luffy has Shirahoshi follow after him where they see he has crashed on the deck of the ship, badly wounded. [43], Hody questions Shirahoshi on what she means that she always knew. One of the Fish-Man Island citizens wonders what Luffy is doing at Coral Hill when he was supposed to be taking over Ryugu Palace. Statistics (37 threadmarks, 87k words) User Total; HolyJoker: 37: Threadmarks Reader mode RSS. Luffy then ask if there is anything fun in the Sea Forest. One of the slaves ask Robin why she freed them to which she answers to thank Jinbe who requested it of her. They talk while Luffy eats some of her food. Luffy once more decides to head out, ordering Sanji to look after Shirahoshi. Otohime answers that she understands how they feel from the voices of their hearts (she possessed the Kenbunshoku Haki ability, and had heightened empathy as seen prior with Aisa in the Skypiea arc and Koby in the war at Marineford) but they should not pass on such hatred to their children. Shirahoshi is in tears as she thanks Luffy for bringing her there. Caribou states he has never heard of that type of sea monster living in a place like a Downward Plume. At that moment, Nami recognizes the monster pulling the ship as Momoo, the pet sea cow of the Arlong Pirates. [25], The citizens all begin to go into an uproar over the supposed mermaid kidnapping. As everyone reels in shock at the news he continues stating that he paid a human to burn the names for Levely, then shot her and used the human as a scapegoat for the murder as well as to demoralize the island. He then made a deal with Dr. Vegapunk that before his personality was completely gone to have a program embedded in him to return to the Straw Hats's ship and guard it until one of the Straw Hats returned. 10 Times Anime Protagonists Needed The Villain For Back-Up, Naruto: Every Time The Akatsuki Almost Won (& How), 10 Anime Villains With More Interesting Backstories Than The Protagonist. However every few centuries a mermaid is born with such an ability. Before the fight can go any further, Robin suddenly appears in between the two trying to stop the fight. While garbled the message is heard throughout the island followed shortly by the one with Fukaboshi. Luffy then flips and hits Hody with his Axe attack coated with the Armament as well, smashing him into the ground. Zoro does so and they go under. This news makes it into the papers and the Sun Pirates, now under the command of Jinbe, reluctantly agree that the false story will be better for Tiger's honor. [32], Tiger then starts to head back to the ship but was suddenly ambushed by the Marines led by Rear Admiral Strawberry. Decken explains that as long as a person remains his target after touching them, what he throws will always fly towards them. Franky concludes that the crew would have been in trouble if Caribou was not such an idiot. Back with Luffy's group, he shows his happiness at his bounty increase, which gets him slapped by Nami yelling that it is not the time. We're a community of creatives … One of the ministers mock her for this and when she asks why, he agrees to tell her only if she unties him. Franky then notices that something was bothering Chopper and asks him what is wrong. [42], In that moment the princes barge into the plaza and charge at the group. Upon seeing the two, Hatchan warns them of the incoming attack by the New Fish-Man Pirates and that they need to leave. When she confirms it, Fukaboshi comments that they will have to 'deal' with the problem as soon as possible. . Luffy tells Jinbe he is free to try and stop him. And who is more supportive than … There are plenty of races, species, and sub-species that walk the lands — or rather seas — of the world of One Piece. Jinbe tells Luffy that he does not want Luffy to face Hody as just another savage human but rather as the hero of the island. Noah follows after her which in turn drags Luffy into the ocean. Neptune then asks about the Straw Hats and Fukaboshi tell him they ran away. Jinbe and Shirahoshi are also on there way there when the princess spots what she thinks is Neptune when really its a batch of balloons shaped liked him with the sound of his voice playing from it.[43]. He then attacks Brook with his chain, managing to wrap it around Brook's head and pull it off. It was also the reason why he partnered with Vander Decken IX, to get her out of the way since Decken was already pursuing her. Width. [37], All across the island, the citizens are being forced to step on the fumi-e of Queen Otohime much to their reluctance. Jinbe then explains what went on during the two years they were training: Firstly, that Akainu has become the new fleet admiral. Like most fantasy series, the human species and its derivatives boast the highest numbers of the world’s sentient population. He asks Jinbe if there is water in the ship which Jinbe states there might be but as Decken is a Devil Fruit user, there might be air as well. But Decken, via a Den Den Mushi, explains his intent to murder Shirahoshi even if it means sacrificing his underlings and allies. He then turns his attention to the remnants of the New Fish-Man Pirates. Inside Noah, Decken is revealed to indeed still be alive and swears vengeance upon Hody. [66], Robin mentions that the Sea Kings dropped the Noah off at the forest and asks if Joy Boy had the power to communicate with then. Franky uses his Nipple Lights as a morse code, but the light turns out to belong to a giant angler fish. The Sea Bear with them suddenly starts acting strangely, a look of horror coming over its face as if sensing something different about Hody. These words touch Jinbe and Hachi to tears with the former stating he indebted to them. It seemed like no one had seen Jaws on Fishman Island, where others think his base is supposed to be. Decken states otherwise and is just as surprised when he finds out that Shirahoshi is missing. When Camie asks what he is talking about, Hachi states that Fisher was afraid something like this would happen. Neptune then wonders why he is feeling such an odd turmoil around him. The smell leads him to a door where a guard is just coming from. Chopper, Usopp, and Luffy frantically ask if anyone could donate some blood to save Sanji's blood. Yeah, that is because these are the starting chapters, I was inexperienced back then. That is until Franky revels the 4th Soldier Dock system: Black Rhino FR-U IV, a motorcycle with spiked wheels and a rhino design on the front. Tiger, Jinbe, Arlong, and Macro were all residents there and eventually, they went on their separate ways as they grew up: Tiger became an adventurer, Jinbe enlisted into the Neptune Army, Arlong became a pirate, and Macro became a kidnapper of his own kind. One of the guards gets to his feet and pulls out some dynamite, citing if he can at least take out one of the leaders he would have done his job before the princes arrive. Shirahoshi unintentionally summons some Sea Kings. Hachi hates that he can not join the fight and figures the Straw Hat and Jinbe will win. Franky explains that after he arrived back on Sabaody he had found Kuma heavily damaged and rusted. The Kraken attacks again to which Franky fires rockets from shoulders, repelling a tentacle. Caribou immediately denies he was the captain of the crew, saying he is just a human bullet for that crew, and that he is sick of being on that ship. Despite the Fish-Man Pirates thinking there is no way he can launch something so big, Jinbe's attack goes right through Wadatsumi and sends him flying into the air. [67], Meanwhile, the Minister of the Left is informed that two of Big Mom's messengers, Sir Pekoms and Baron Tamago, have arrived to check on the status of the candy factory. They accept the explanation before telling the princess of the suspicions of the Straw Hats due to the mermaid disappearances and Madame Shyarly's vision of Luffy destroying Fish-Man Island.[21]. Zoro muses that Nami got away so she will bring help, though Usopp complains what would happen if they did not come and does a convincing impression of Robin questioning Nami's fate which makes Brook laugh. Tiger lamented on not listening to what Otohime was talking about and that the ones who can change the future for the better are the ones like Koala who know nothing of about the discrimination.[32]. As the group head for a highway, they spot a candy factory with a pirate flag on it. Pekoms checks his bounty lists and sees Caribou is currently worth two hundred million Beri much to the citizen's shock. Luffy comments that the octopus merman swordsman that was with Hammond blocked his attack and nicked him in the process, acknowledging he must possess some skill to do so.[18]. Hody simply answers "nothing", that he and his crew will bring down judgement on the humans and that he believes he and his crew were chosen by heaven to do so. The New Fish-Man Pirates are shocked and one of the pirates shouts not to let Zoro escape and to recharge their strength with Energy Steroids. Indeed she does, deflecting a cannonball away from the ship with her sword then scolds her subordinates for their goofiness. One of the pirates call out to Hody who reveals they captured Jinbe and Shirahoshi who had fallen for the fake Neptune trap. Hachi was tied up since the one of the fish-men recognizes him as a former member of Arlong's crew. The story flashes back to when Fukaboshi asked Hody what have the humans done to make him turn out the way he has. Luffy wanders inside, finding the room pitch black but can see the food on the other side of the room. Stating they will lose face if they did nothing to help the pirates who willingly took the blame for their false accusations. The fish-men built their island underneath it allowing light and air to flow down. Luffy vs. [21], Back at the palace, Shirahoshi continues to cry with Luffy trying to calm her down. He alongside his two brothers, Ryuboshi and Manboshi, serve as the kingdom’s most powerful fighting force. When the captive pirates object, Hody threatens to throw them into the ocean if they do not comply. Back inside the palace, Neptune and the others have been freed. Ryuboshi comments that if Decken is still conscious, his power is still in effect. One of the Ammo-Guards suddenly appear and informs Neptune that something happened at Hody's cell. Their captain, "Crab Hand" Gyro, comments how they were strong-armed into serving the New Fish-Man Pirates. We then go on to the present where the pirates are searching for the switch. Hody chuckles at the events he sees before him. He jokingly comments "maybe" then remembers when he first met Roger who surprisingly looked very much like Luffy when he was younger, even wearing the same straw hat. Otohime is glad to hear it and with her remaining strength does the pinky promise with her children before she passes away. Luffy meanwhile, is complaining to Jinbe about not coming with them. Luffy counters that their friends' lives are on the line and that everyone will suffer if he does nothing. Jinbe is amazed by how care-free Luffy is. Everyone on the ship is surprised to see it again. Shyarly reveals she broke her crystal ball as she has no desire to see the future again though Camie knows Shyarly is still worried about the prediction even if it has not come to pass recently, it may sometime in the near future. Mjosgard continues on demanding a doctor but insults the Fish-Man Island citizens as well. Brook saves the pirates from Zeo, chastising the officer for talking about dying for their grudge when he does not know what its like and that he hates people who would waste the lives of others. Sanji counters however that if they left now, Fish-Man Island would be under Hody's rule and as they have friends on the island they can not just turn a blind eye. Jinbe question if Hody wishes to stop that but Hachi says there is much more to it. Jinbe throws Luffy a bubble making coral before Luffy stretches his arms to Sanji's leg and yells for him to fling him to Noah. Sharley's Prophecy!, on Crunchyroll. En route, Brook spots a wanted poster for Vander Decken. Before the pirate can strike, he is blown aside by the 5th Soldier Dock weapon: Brachio Tank V, a mini tank driven by Usopp, Chopper, Nami and Pappag. Fish-Man Island Arc [23], The story flashes back to a few hours earlier when Hody Jones and Vander Decken IX were teaming up. Meanwhile, the Sea King communicate with the princess, telling her that they had came due to her strong feelings for Luffy, also complimenting the Straw Hat's strength as well. The group inquire about Luffy wondering where he got off too as well. Franky activates the ship's Chicken Voyage to avoid some of the tentacles. [68], Back on Fish-Man Island, Tamago gives the island until tomorrow morning to come up with the candy. Hordy!, on Crunchyroll. After hearing about Nami's past, Jinbe shows remorse. With great reluctance, they agree to her wishes and she travels topside with the World Noble. Aladdin comforted him with the knowledge that the slaves he freed will all owe him a huge debt of gratitude and that they will forever hail him as a great hero. He uses his fin sword to slash the bubbles around the ship, letting the air seep out as result. Once on the ground, the two are bound in chains, Fukaboshi declaring that the two will never be free again. Sep 25, 2020. [36], Then one day without warning, the signatures were mysteriously burned in its box. Sanji tells him he will pay for hurting Nami. Meanwhile at a fish bus stop, Robin has subdued several Ammo Knights who were trying to capture her. They might not be the toughest race One Piece has to provide, but they definitely are a race to be reckoned with. Brook notices that Nami had run off while Hody orders his men to attack the guards and the Straw Hats. Miss Goldenweek's "Operation: Meet Baroque Works", From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc, The Stories of the Self-Proclaimed Straw Hat Grand Fleet, Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals, The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle, Episode of Arabasta: The Desert Princess and the Pirates, Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in Winter, Miracle Sakura. Hatchan is really against the idea of her going as he mentions that Hody knows about Shirahoshi's power to summon sea kings and is using the king as a hostage to shield against such an attack. Hyouzou answers that Arlong was too cheap to afford him at the time and that he only cares about money and not for the cause of his employers. Ultimately, asking what caused Hody to do all these things. [67], Meanwhile, the rest of the crew meet up with Shirahoshi and are informed of the treasure offering as well as what Luffy, Zoro and Sanji are doing. The Minister of the Right and Neptune realizes that Hody acquired the Energy Steroid pills from the Urashima Casket which was said to give the user a boost in strength but also age them as well. Capable as in well above average, but not enough to push Luffy and the gang to their limits. The marines soon recognize Jinbe's strength. The Minister of the Right also worries about this since if they can not protect their king, they can not call themselves an army. His crew mention the Tamatebako which supposedly could make anyone grow. Seeing as she is too far away from the entrance to reach the ocean, Shirahoshi instead heads for the palace entrance since its now deserted. Vander Decken needs to touch before snipping, so he would be destroyed right then. Zoro then cuts two of the blades Hyouzou is holding, telling him to bring the best swordsman in Fish-Man Island as Hyouzou is not even worth killing time with. Shirahoshi rushes to save him while the Sea Kings tow Noah to the Sea Forest. Regardless, Luffy manages to knock Hody aside and pull off the fangs but complains his Armament Haki is not strong enough to withstand blows like that. However, Jinbe refuses till he gets word from Neptune. The Five Elders interjected, wishing for Akainu to take the job. The sea monster that Hammond brought with him tries to attack Luffy, but the Straw Hat captain uses Haki to subdue the beast, calming it before it can even reach Luffy much to the shock of Usopp. [9], Caribou's ship suddenly returns, with Coribou and the rest of the crew, including Momoo, determined to save Caribou. Three years have passed since the Mayr Geoise incident and the Sun Pirates landed on an island where the natives request that they take a former slave named Koala with them to return her to her homeland. Sanji concludes that its because its their country that Luffy does have more of a reason to fight other then just saving his crew. It was this reasoning that he felt that his body will reject the human blood if given to him and that no matter how hard he tried, he could never love a human. [25], Hody keeps attacking and Neptune dives in the way, shielding the guards from further harm. In the midst of the speech, one of the New Fish-Man Pirates manage to shoot a Energy Steroid into Dosun's mouth and he gradually recovers till he breaks free of his chains. Den states it is a visual one hooked up to a monitor, Hody's image then comes on a nearby TV screen and he begins to address the entire island. He was introduced as early as the Zou arc, a handful of arcs earlier than his colleagues. She further explains to them that mermaids have the ability to speak to fish but could never do so with sea kings. Much to Sanji's horror, he finds out that his blood donors are two okama pirate twins named Splash and Splatter. Recognizing the Straw Hats, Momoo flees with the Caribou Pirates in tow. [9], Franky picks him up with one hand, Caribou begging him not to throw him out into the ocean. When Wadatsumi answers that she has not reply for the past ten years, Decken throws an axe with a rose on it as a message. Chopper scolds Sanji saying that if the Mermaid Princess is beautiful, he will die instantly. With the fish-men slaves he freed, Tiger formed the Sun Pirates. Soon hundreds of fish-men are signing their names. [49], Meanwhile Neptune and the princes, who are in a clearing, spot the Noah ship moving on its own. Usopp is annoyed when Nami asks one of the guards the location of the treasury and is annoyed further when Brook suggests singing. Chopper barely able to move as the Monster Point had drained most of his energy though said that he can still treat people. Ship approaches from behind the giant, 2020, overhearing this however, he realizes Shirahoshi has disappeared be and! Crew to introduce themselves by slaughtering all the water saps away his strength and were. 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